Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BNS Noni Enzyme....

Federation’s 100% Pure Noni Extract

A message, changes a world
A concept changes a person’s fate
There is old saying: if something sounds too good to be true, it may be fake! However, there are some exceptions! What is Noni? Can it fight diseases? Is it a latest therapeutic fashion? Or just something used as comfort? By interviewing and learning from the pioneers of Noni research in the world, through the clinical summaries of 10,000 users who use Noni to treat all kinds of diseases, and from the feedbacks of 50 doctors, health experts and some conventional medical practitioners, we can get a clear answer: 100% Noni ferment does have a strong medical effect of improving human health. For those who accept Noni, it will change their destinies of suffering chronic diseases for years, and help them regain health and maintain an everlasting vigor!

Why do people become feeble and suffer all kinds of diseases when they are getting old?

Why does one’s self-recovery ability become worse with the growth of age? In the 1950s, a certain medicine manufacturer in the US raised this question. In order to disclose this mystery, they hired a group of international medical doctors with high pay to delve into this question, as a result, they found the liver could produce a substance called “xeronine”, which is stored in the liver, and when the human body encounters a disease, the brain will direct the liver to release xeronine to the pathological location for treatment, and this is the basis of human body’s immune system. Yet with the growth of age, the function of the liver to produce xeronine gradually disappears, and this is basically reason why the self-recovery ability of the elderly people’s immune systems become worse, therefore, once the old get sick, it’s hard for them to recover, and many complications will occur, which make the patient suffer all kinds of diseases, and get into the plight of fighting diseases instead of enjoying cozy life of retirement!

Research has shown that if the immune system starts to turn against itself - perhaps the result of an autoimmune disorder - it may cause a complete obliteration of the pancreas’ beta cells or at least a reduction in the number of functioning beta cells. This then affects the amount and purity and effectiveness of the body’s insulin.

"Noni helps promoting a healthy immune system
by either enhancing an already functioning system
or by stimulating a sluggish one"

Current studies have revealed that Noni helps promoting a healthy immune system by either enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one. In addition, as described earlier, Noni is believed to fortify and maintain cell structure. This can be accomplished by Noni acting as an adaptogen that can aid “sick” cells in repairing themselves. This could apply to diabetes by either helping malfunctioning beta cells in the pancreas or by aiding the cells that are unsuccessfully trying to receive and use the glucose in the blood.

NONI Enzyme...A Secret is Revealed
A Secret is Revealed
Thousands of years ago, ancient sea-going people journeyed across the oceans in great outrigger canoes to settle what is now known as French Polynesia. Space in the canoes was limited; they brought only what they needed to survive. Noni was prized cargo in these canoes because of its healthful properties and was considered queen of the 'canoe plants' used to establish new villages.

The story of the Morinda citrifolia plant is also told among the people of the tropics worldwide. In Malaysia, it is called MENGKUDU. In Southeast Asia it is known as NHAU. The plant is recognized among all peoples of the South Pacific. It is called NONU in Samoa and Tonga, NONO in Raratonga and Tahiti, and NONI in the Marquesas Islands and Hawaii.

The fruit of the Morinda citrifolia plant was an important source of food for the early Polynesians, who consumed it in times of famine. Australian aborigines were fond of the fruit, and people in Burma cooked unripe fruits in curries and ate the ripened fruit raw with salt. The seeds, leaves, bark, and roots were also eaten by people versed in the healing properties of this odd plant. Amazingly, every part of the Morinda citrifolia plant is used.

Testimonial from Local Newspapers

Noni Presentation
Millions of people all over the world are experiencing good health and well being by using this secret. If you are looking for good health and well being for you and for your family, you will benefit greatly from this presentation.

In the modern way of living, our body faces several negative conditions due to pollution, food habits, pesticides, stress due to work, stress due to financial conditions, living habits, lack of exercise, etc.etc. The food we eat does not supply necessary nutrients to cope with the problems our body faces. It is necessary to support the body with adequate nutritients, minerals and vitamins to stay healthy. We need to be responsible for our health and the health of our family. This is a basic responsibility of a human being.

Our body consists of organs. Our organs consists of tissues. Tissues consists of cells. Cells are called the fundamental units of life in every living being. Hence it is evident that if your cells are healthy, you are healthy. If your cells are not healthy, you are not healthy. All the cells in our body have a specific life time and it is necessary for the cells to be healthy for you to be healthy during that life time. The healthy cells regenerate healthy cells. Old cells constantly degenerate and new cells continue to regenerate. Cells regenerate in the following manner. For example: Stomach lining cells regenerate once per hour, Intestinal lining once every 4 days, Heart tissue once every 92 days, Blood cells once in 120 days, Bone tissues once every three and half years and most organs replace their inherent tissues once every five to six months.

When a person has a disease which is a dis-ease, cells of a particular area or the organ of our body is affected. Every body has a self healing mechanism by which the affected cells are discarded and new cells are generated. When we take medicines it helps to fasten the self healing process, if the cells and cell walls are weak, then the cells cannot absorb medicines and the micro nutrients supply in the body.

Thanks to the outstanding scientist of the 20th century Dr. Ralph Heinicke who discovered a vital molecule called Proxeronine in Noni fruit. According to Dr. Ralph Heinicke Proxeronine combines with an enzyme Proxeroninase in our body to form an alkaloid called Xeronine.

Once Xeronine is formed, it combines with many protiens in the body that require Xeronine to function. There is a specific site on certain protiens that allows them to combine with Xeronine. Many vital protiens acting as hormones, antibodies , and enzymes need Xeronine to carry out their duties. Many of these protiens are cannot function without Xeronine.Thus Xeronine is a very very important component for healthy regeneration of cells in our body.

Xeronine also has an interesting function of enlarging pores in the cell membrane / cell walls, thus allowing free flow and absorption of medicines and micronutrients. Thus Noni not only helps healthy people to stay healthy but also helps people with diseases to get well faster.

The World Health Organisation has declared stress as No.1 killer in the 21st Century.
To cope with the current stressful life which leads to many dis-eases it is necessary for each one of us to equip ourselves with a powerful health tool.
Noni is a Herbal Dietary Supplement to keep you healthy always.
It is prepared from a fruit of a medicinal plant called Morinda Citrifolia.
Indian Ayurvedic physicians were using this tens of centuries ago.
Noni is a cellular diet and works at a cellular level and it works at the source and not at the symptoms.
Noni is anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, congesive, analgesic and it contains cancer inhibiting compounds.
Noni Purifies your blood. Protects you from toxins and pollutants. Promotes the Self Healing process. Provides 140 plus essential nutrients the body needs. Reduces pain as an analgesic. Regulates proper cell function. Regenerates damaged cells. Reduces premature onset of age-related disease such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes or stroke. Stimulates your immune system.
Noni supports the Immune system, Circulatory system, Digestive system, Metabolic system, Tissues and Cells, Skin and Hair.
Noni helps to deal with Cancer, Tuberculosis, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Kidney problem, Diabetes, Digestion, Arthritis, Asthma, Depression, Obesity, Mensturation, Stroke, Stress, Sleeplessness and Chronic pain.

Noni can be taken by anyone young or old. Noni is fully safe and has universal benefits. Noni is used by millions of people for thousands of years.
For many... Positive Results are noted within 15 days, for 25% in one month, for 50% in 2 months, for 98% in 6 months.

Noni is a “Quality Life” Product.
Noni has shelf life of 18 months.

Key Benefits of Noni -
Noni is a preventive and protective diet supplement. Preventions is better than fight. Anyone can improve their health and lifestyle. You can have more energy, more clarity and more fun -- Noni Enzyme is just for you.

Noni works synergistically to help you maintain and experience a healthy and strong body, shining skin, stress free Life.

Noni is herbal dietary Supplement for the entire family.

Noni has been researched and studied by 30 Universities in over six countries.

Noni impacts the lives of millions worldwide. How about you ?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Noni 100% Pure Extract

This product has been proven to be effective on a numbers of illness by our members. Member are experiencing improvement on wellness, well-being, greater energy, better vision (including cataract), diabeties, high blood pressure, pain relieving, colds, fever, etc.

Noni is heavily promoted for a very wide variety of conditions, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, bladder infections, boils, bowel conditions, burns, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, circulatory weakness, colds, cold sores, constipation, diabetes, drug addiction, eye inflammation, fever, fractures, gastric ulcers, gingivitis, headaches, heart disease, hypertension, improved digestion, immune weakness, indigestion, kidney disease, malaria, menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders, mouth sores, respiratory disorders, ringworm, sinusitis, skin inflammation, sprains, strokes, thrush, and wounds.

Prevention is important!

Noni & Diabetes


Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.

Major Types of Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes is classified into two types:
Type 1. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM): It is also called as type I diabetes.
Type 2. Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM): It is also called as type II diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from the body's failure to produce insulin, the hormone that "unlocks" the cells of the body, allowing glucose to enter and fuel them. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus results from insulin resistance (a condition in which the body fails to properly use insulin), combined with relative insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin.

For all types of diabetes, the metabolism of carbohydrates (including sugars such as glucose), proteins, and fats is altered

Cause of diabetes

In Type 1 diabetes the cells in the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed, causing a severe lack of insulin. This is thought to be the result of the body attacking and destroying its own cells in the pancreas - known as an autoimmune reaction.

It's not clear why this happens, but a number of explanations and possible triggers of this reaction have been proposed.

These include:
infection with a specific virus or bacteria;
exposure to food-borne chemical toxins; and
exposure as a very young infant to cow's milk, where an as yet unidentified component of this triggers the autoimmune reaction in the body.

However, these are only hypotheses and are by no means proven causes.

Type 2 diabetes is believed to develop when the receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the action of insulin fail to be stimulated by it - this is known as insulin resistance. In response to this more insulin may be produced, and this over-production exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas; there is simply insufficient insulin available; and the insulin that is available may be abnormal and therefore doesn't work properly.

The following risk factors increase the chances of someone developing Type 2 diabetes:
Increasing age;
obesity; and
physical inactivity.

Rarer causes of diabetes include:
Certain medicines;
pregnancy (gestational diabetes); and
any illness or disease that damages the pancreas and affects its ability to produce insulin e.g. pancreatitis.

Diabetic Foot Ulcer


Diabetics are prone to foot ulcerations due to both neurologic and vascular complications. Peripheral neuropathy can cause altered or complete loss of sensation in the foot or leg. The diabetic with advanced neuropathy looses all sharp-dull discrimination. Any cuts or trauma to the foot can go completely unnoticed for days or weeks in a patient with neuropathy. It's not uncommon to have a patient with neuropathy tell you that the ulcer "just appeared" when, in fact, the ulcer has been present for quite some time. The charcot foot deformity occurs as a result of decreased sensation. People with "normal" feeling in their feet automatically determine when too much pressure is being placed on an area of the foot. Once identified, our bodies instinctively shift position to relieve this stress. A patient with advanced neuropathy looses this important mechanism. As a result, tissue ischemia and necrosis may occur leading to plantar ulcerations. Microfractures in the bones of the foot go unnoticed and untreated, resulting in disfigurement, chronic swelling and additional bony prominences.

The most frequent underlying etiologies of diabetes foot ulcers are neuropathy, trauma, deformity, high plantar pressures, and peripheral arterial disease. Other factors in ulceration are ischemia, callus formation, and edema. Although infection is rarely implicated in the etiology of diabetic foot ulcers, the ulcers are susceptible to infection once the wound is present. Many of the risk factors for foot ulcer are also predisposing factors for amputation, because ulcers are primary causes leading to amputation.

Noni in Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Noni is rich with amino acids. Xeronine, the alkaloid of Noni enhances the enzyme activity and protein structure. Therefore it helps for tissue repairing and wound healing associated with diabetic gangrene.

Noni stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide, a chemical which allows the blood vessels to dilate more easily and be more elastic. In other words it acts as a vaso dilator. The foot ulcer due to peripheral ischaemic condition can be controlled by Noni as it stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide that act like a vaso dilator. White blood cells in the body use nitric oxide to kill infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi and parasites. Hence nitric oxide present in Noni also helps to prevent infection in case diabetes foot sores.

Scopoletin present in Noni have a wide potential action. It acts like a vasodilator as well as having anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties and thus helps in healing of the foot ulcers.

Acubin, L-asperuloside, and alizarin in the Noni fruit, as well as some other anthraquinone compounds in Noni, are all proven antibacterial agents. These compounds have been shown to fight against infectious bacteria strains such as, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Baciillis subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Shigela etc. These antibacterial elements within Noni help to control of the infections associated with diabetes ulcer.

Noni controls diabetes –
Xeronine, the alkaloid of Noni in the presence of insulin activate the peripheral cell membrane insulin receptors and helps for the normal intracellular absorption of glucose as well as corrects the intracellular post receptor defect of the action of insulin for carbohydrate metabolism and thus prevents the insulin resistance condition in Type – II Diabetes Mellitus condition.

Noni works as a ‘Healthy, Immune System Promoter –
Current studies have revealed that Noni may help promote a healthy immune system either by enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one. Noni activating our body immune system may improve the non functioning beta cells of the pancreas to an active form to produce the normal insulin from the beta cells and also maintain a normal insulin level in the blood to the response of the carbohydrate diet.

Diabetic Foot: Before & After Noni

Noni is a powerful antioxidant.

An antioxidant is a substance that reduces the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Antioxidants are phytochemicals, vitamins and other nutrients that protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. In vitro en in vivo studies have shown that antioxidants help prevent the free radical damage that is associated with cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants can be found in most fruits and vegetables but also culinary herbs and medicinal herbs can contain high levels of antioxidants. Dragland S and colleagues showed in their study entitled "Several Culinary and Medicinal Herbs are Important Sources of Dietary Antioxidants", and published in the Journal of Nutrition (2003 May) that the antioxidant level of herbs can be as high as 465 mmol per 100 g.A study in 2006 by Thompson HJ showed that a botanical diversity of fruits and vegetables plays a role in the biological effect of antioxidant phytochemicals. The consumption of smaller quantities of many phytochemicals may result in more health benefits than the consumption of larger quantities of fewer phytochemicals.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are formed as part of our natural metabolism but also by environmental factors, including smoking, pesticides, pollution and radiation. Free radicals are unstable molecules which react easily with essential molecules of our body, including DNA, fat and proteins. All organic and inorganic materials consist of atoms, which can be bound together to form molecules. Each atom has a specific number of protons (positively charged) and electrons (negatively charged). Most single atoms are not stable because they have to few or to may electrons. Atoms try to reach a state of maximum stability by giving away or receiving electrons from other atoms, thereby forming molecules. Free radicals are molecules with have one electron too much or to less in order to be stable. Free radicals try to steal or give electrons to other molecules, thereby changing their chemical structure.

When a free radical attacks a molecule, it will then become a free radical itself, causing a chain reaction which can result in the destruction of a cell. Antioxidants have the property to neutralize free radicals without becoming a free radicals themselves. When antioxidants neutralize free radicals by receiving or donating an electron they do not become antioxidants themselves because they are stable in both forms. In other words, antioxidants are chemicals that offer up their own electrons to the free radicals, thus preventing cellular damage. However, when the antioxidant neutralizes a free radical it becomes inactive. Therefore we need to continuously supply our body with antioxidants. The action of free radicals could increase the risk of diseases such as cancer and hearth problems and could accelerate ageing. Antioxidants have the property to neutralize the free radicals and prevent damage. Well known examples of antioxidants are the vitamin C, E and beta-carotene. These three vitamins are often added to the so called ACE drinks. But there are numerous other rather unknown antioxidants such as lycopene, and lutein.

Benefits of antioxidants
Numerous studies with plant phytochemicals show that phytochemicals with antioxidant activity may reduce risk of cancer and improve heart health.

Antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer

Not all results are conclusive but many studies show that antioxidants may reduce the risk of cancer. A large randomized trial on antioxidants and cancer risk was the Chinese Cancer Prevention Study (1993). This study showed that a combination of the antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin E and selenium significantly reduced incidence of cancer. However, the Alpha-Tocopherol / Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study (1994) showed that intake of beta-carotene increased lung cancer rates of male smokers.

Antioxidants protect the heart

Everyone knows that cholesterol causes heart diseases and tries to limit cholesterol intake. But a more important cause of fatty buildups in the arteries is the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The use of dietary supplements of antioxidants could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but there is no hard evidence. At this stage, studies only show that the intake of foods, naturally rich in antioxidants reduces this risk.

Antioxidant claims on foods
Antioxidants can be found in most foods, especially in fruits and vegetables, but we see more and more food products on the shelves with antioxidant claims. These antioxidant claims crop up everywhere: from beverages to chocolates. Food producers do this because of the very high consumer awareness of the term antioxidants. Consumers believe that a high intake of antioxidants will protect them from ageing, cancer, heart disease and other diseases. This awareness already started in the 1990s when mainly beverage producers launched so called ACE drinks, which contained the three antioxidant vitamins vitamin A, C and E. Now food producers are adding supper fruits such as red berries, pomegranate and acai. When the food producer claims antioxidants, they are mainly looking at the total content of antioxidants and not at their biological activity. The antioxidant activity of foods is mainly expressed as FRAP, ORAC or TEAC values, all of which are measured in a test tube. In future the antioxidant activity should be measured in humans, by determining the quantities absorbed in the blood and tissues.